Delivery Reach

Delivery Reach

Delivery Reach

With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Eskimoz, has built an enviable reputation for its exceptional delivery reach across India, encompassing a vast majority of tier 1 and tier 2 cities. With a predominant focus on serving hotels, cafes, restaurants, and ice cream parlors.
Explore our map and discover the Indian cities where Eskimoz serves its delectable ice creams.

Where sophistication meets accessibility

Eskimoz invites you to savor the elegance of high-quality ice cream that’s inclusive to all. We’re dedicated to ensuring that every bite embodies excellence. Discover the refined world of ice cream that is accessible to everyone!

Our Vision

To pioneer sustainable practices in the ice cream world, leading by example with our commitment to environment responsibility, recognizing the scarcity of hospitable planets.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire, innovate, and be your source of happiness in every scoop.